Don Giovanni Video Game

“Don Giovanni” is an opera about a man who thinks he can get any woman that he wants.  He would go from girl to girl and did not care about the outcome. He always got away with the things that he did.  Don Giovanni never learned from his mistakes. He continued to be a mess and move from woman to woman, but he did not care.  He was happy. One night when Don Giovanni was at a graveyard with his attendant Leporello, a statue started to talk to him. The voice coming out of the statue sounded dark and gloomy.  The statue wanted Don Giovanni to repent the sins that he had made throughout his life. Instead, Don Giovanni invited him to dinner. The stone statue ends up actually showing up for Don Giovanni’s dinner.  At dinner, the stone statue takes Don Giovanni’s hand and leads him into hell.
This opera showed me a lot of things that I could easily learn from.  Don Giovanni did not care about the women that he surrounded himself with.  He would move from one to another on a daily basis. This relates to men in college. Every guy wants to get with all the girls, but it does not work like that.  People usually know better than to go make moves on someone who is about to go get married. Don Giovanni did not care and he had no filter. When this opera first came out, people were definitely in awe.  The opera was first acted out in 1787. The people during this time had a lot of different feelings than people do today. If Don Giovanni had done these things now, people may see it as humor and get a quick laugh.  Back then, people were probably disgusted by the man. I believe that this is an important piece in the chronology of operas because because the singing and music in it are absolutely amazing. Also, some great lessons are learned from the opera.  The only technology used back then for this opera was the lighting and I would consider the instruments a type of technology because many of them were probably somewhat new. “Don Giovanni” is an opera that any enthusiast must see.
This opera could very easily be turned into a video game today.  The game would consist of Don Giovanni doing the idiotic things that he does.  For example, in one scene you may have to try to talk to a girl and when her husband shows up you would have to run away from him.  This could be a great mission in a video game. Don Giovanni would be jumping over fences, dodging people, but most of all just wreaking havoc.  Another great mission for the game could be the scene in the opera where he is with Donna Anna. After she screams because Don Giovanni has entered her room, her father comes in because he is worried.  In this mission, the gamer as Don Giovanni would have to fight and kill Donna Anna’s father with only a knife. The brawl could be something like a “boss mission” with her father as the boss. The underdog Don Giovanni would have to somehow get out of the situation.
People today would love this game.  There has never been a game where the main goal is trying to get girls.  Young boys all of the world would be glued to this game just because there is nothing that has ever been like it.  Fortnite would not be even close to relevant anymore. With side missions like the fight with Donna Anna’s father or running away from Donna Elvira’s husband, the game would be filled with fun.  
After watching the opera, I decided that I wanted to learn more about this man.  So basically, he went by “Don Juan” and is very well known across Europe. The man deserves the award for being the biggest player ever though.  It is believed that Don Juan had 1003 lovers in Spain during his time there. That is actually absurd. No man has probably ever even come close to that.  In his honor, I believe that Don Juan deserves a video game. He is that greatest of all time at getting girls. I do not believe that anyone has even come close to that.  Companies like Activision and Rockstar should jump on this game immediately. The money to be made is endless. All people during this day in age will love the game “Don Giovanni.”


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