The picture that I took was on the broken fountain by the Starbucks, outside of the ICB building. I feel that since the fountain is broken, it does not get as much appreciation as the other one does.
My name is Clayton Comerford. I am from Ocean Township, New Jersey. As a student I am very interested in furthering my knowledge in anything that could possibly help me throughout my life. Art and Technology is a class that is going to teach me more than others. I have yet to learn about this subject during my time in school and I am very interested. My expectations of the class are that I will get something out of it. I hope to learn about the subject and make some new friends. I believe this year is going to be filled with a ton of fun and I am very excited for what is yet to come.
1. My final project will be about the excessive drug use in our culture today. People are dying every single day due to drugs. 2. I plan to make a video displaying the different types of drugs used in our culture today to bring awareness to the topic. 3. I will use pictures and videos to display my topic. I believe that the graphic video will bring more attention to this topic that is causing outrage in our communities. 4. The major themes that my video will display are drug use and addiction. 5. There will be no specific location of my work. There will be many clips and pictures to show the drug use and addiction in our world today. 6. I hope to bring more awareness to the topics of drug use and addiction. The video is meant to make people feel uncomfortable and uneasy about the drugs in the video causing people to maybe stay away from them in whole.
Pyotr Pavlensky "Carcass" 1. We Are All Equal The project that I am working on will be be a short video to show equality. 2. I plan to make an image somewhat close to Pavlensky, but with a more rational approach. I will go into a a crowded area by the Jersey Shore to go against hate crimes. I will get friends of mine from different ethnicities and we will walk from one side of Asbury Park to the other together to show that everyone is human. 3. My project will create an image for the people watching it. It will show friendship between different humans that creates happiness between all of them. 4. The main themes of my project will be diversity amongst people and hate crimes. I want to show people that we should all be together as humans. People today are still seen differently because of the color of their skin and that needs to change. 5. I will be doing this in Asbury Park, New Jersey. I am going to have five people wit...
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